Muddy Stilettos 2021 šŸ†

Weā€™ve Been Nominated!

But itā€™s not over yet and we need you to vote again!

Iā€™m RIDICULOUSLY excited to announce that Just Brows Inc. made it into the FINALS of the:

Berkshire Muddy Stilettos Awards 2021

in the BEAUTY SALON category. Ā 

The Awards have been the biggest ever this year ā€“ so far over 500,000 votes cast across the Muddy counties, so this feels like a huge achievement in itself!

Iā€™m so grateful to each and every one of you that took the time to vote for me.

Voting in the Finals starts from ZERO ā€“ nominations from the first round areĀ notĀ carried forward, and it is now a straight competition between each of the (only!)Ā 5 Finalists in the 27 categories.

Voting in theĀ Finals starts on:

** TUES 6 JULYĀ at 12pm midday **Ā and runs untilĀ 

** 5pm onĀ FRI 23 JULY **

I know youā€™ve all voted for me once but it would just mean so much to win a local award, especially as a new business, so please (if you have the time and inclination) could I ask you all to cast your vote again?

Iā€™ve added a button at the bottom of this post which should take you straight through to the Muddy Stilettos website to cast your vote easily.

All winners will be announced on the Muddy website onĀ THURS 29 JULY.

A huge THANK YOU in advance!

Sarah xx

